Every year, we always list what things we have done for everyone who think its important to write his/her life into a journal. In 6 month earlier, I am active writing a journal for somethings I want to remember. Its really hard to do sometimes because of laziness and tired of working (Its more harder in this three months), but its not something really productive. What I am doing right now, being an employee and part of wage slaves. And that’s my challenges that I have to improve in working for my own job as sales man.
Searching Box
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Sunday, 1 November 2015
[Monthly Note] Jobs I Ever Had
For entire life, I spent my ages like any other people that I thought I felt different than others, in fact just like drones, I am part of human drone who may have same way of thinking, lifestyle, passion and other things that called life. I have same activities right now as sales man for IT products that I just started working in a company three months ago. Speaking of working, I recall most of my times have several times on working (having jobs) eventhough its not full time job just like right now.
Thursday, 1 October 2015
[Monthly Note] When Closing Comes
When I write this.. I am currently in a cafe enjoying my first salary while using my newest notebook in a crowd. One day ago, I was in a office in a session called closing where I worked as field sales for a month. And I had to wait more hours because its last day of stuffs that should be sold. So its not about my blog being closed or shutting down, but its a phase of my work experience in professional company. After all, I am not a NEET anymore.
Tuesday, 1 September 2015
[Monthly Note] Freedom to Work
After month of independence for Indonesia. This month is my turn in having my own independency for working free. My study is over, and the graduation day waits for two weeks in the middle of September. What I am really thinking right now, about my decision on how to get money without asking to my parent. In five years, I always depend on my parent’s money to have daily regular expense. Even though I had what so called “part-time” jobs. The earning I used for buying some gadget and stuffs that interest me such musical instrument, and yet parents worked as support funding.
Saturday, 1 August 2015
[Monthly Note] Its Done! The end of Dissertation and Research.

Monday, 20 July 2015
[Project] Mainandro.id; Indonesian Android Games Lets Play
There are many Indonesia android game developers published their games into Google Play already. And as long as those games are decent to play and fun to try, the review comes from different bloggers that suggest these games toward their readers. I looked up and tried some of available games and found that these games are worth and rest are crappy because isimilar formula and even just imitating the gameplay, and the worst thing some lazy developers game put other game code and use it for their dull games.
Wednesday, 1 July 2015
[Monthly Note] Documenting Life
Writing three paragraphs in this blog is something miraculous, but leaving in write about monthly note is inevitable for me. Because this section is something that I use for documenting my life and summarizing in a month. A lot of things happened this year, in a few days. I am gonna re-celebrate my birthday. This time I am gonna spend my day with my sibling.
Monday, 29 June 2015
A Vlog How to Spend Weekend in Banjarmasin Waterfront
Banjarmasin city has interesting spot to spend weekend on its city center, a waterfront where people gather alongside Martapura river. I recorded my weekend walking around the spot to capture someting interesting about the place. Its free and public spot that is crowd everyweekend which attrats local people spending their time here. I recorded the video with friend who help lending his camera.
Friday, 12 June 2015
[Lets Play] Sim City 4 in Bahasa Indonesia
Sim City 4 is one of my favourite game, when I was in elementary school. I saw this game on psx version where I still remember that i used to draw city planning map on my school book. Recently, this games amuses me when I got bored working on my final thesis. I spent several hours to play the game that I played last year and write about its review.
Thursday, 11 June 2015
Monday, 1 June 2015
[Monthly Note] June; Small Chit-Chat
I updated this domain blog for a year recently by paying 9$, I was interested to make blog more serious tone as my place to improve my English writing besides something like people call as "branding" for my name. Speaking about "branding", what am I capable of? So, since I am actively producing learning tutorials in Youtube recently, I'd like to a professional tutors for learning language besides mastering in beginner level on multimedia.
Saturday, 30 May 2015
Friday, 22 May 2015
Wednesday, 1 April 2015
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